When you’re short on cash, every dollar counts. Life happens, and sometimes, you unexpectedly wind up with expenses that can leave you short on cash. Maybe you just saw something you have to have, and need to drum up some quick cash to make it happen. Fear not, we’ve got you covered with 70+ ways […]
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A Guide to Freelance Writing Jobs For Beginners
Do you want to work from home as a freelance writer? While it is a great job with many perks like flexible hours, you need to know all the details first.
30 Ideas on How to Save Money on Utilities
Do you dread opening the utility bill each month? Here are 30 plus ideas on how to save money on utilities and they don’t require purchasing green gadgets.
How Much Money Should You Have in Your Emergency Fund?
Life is full of unexpected twists and turns. Some of these unanticipated experiences can be pleasant, beneficial or exciting in different ways, but others may be difficult to deal with or even devastating. From car accidents to job losses and many other events that could occur with no warning, the financial impact can add to […]
How To Choose A Good Domain Name
When setting up a website, it is vital to pick a good domain name. A good domain name plays a huge role in the success of your online business.
Best Practices for Moving Your Website to a New Host
Part of being a webmaster is learning how to move your website to a new host. It may sound easy but there are a lot of steps you will need to take into consideration before undertaking the task.
How To Tell If A Chinese Woman Likes You Or Not
Your girlfriend can tell you things by her behavior, not just by her words alone. Here are some signs to look for to see if the Chinese woman in your life is really into you.
How the Last Ten Years Have Seen LED Lighting Come of Age
Since white LED lamps first appeared in the 1990s, the technology has vastly improved, accelerating rapidly over the last decade. What’s changed to make LEDs the leading lighting solution?
Dealing with Customers Who Haggle
For some people, haggling is one of the key selling points for visitors to flea markets. Each situation will necessitate a different response, so a vendor should deal with hagglers on a case by case basis.
20 New Things You Should Try Today
There is no better time than right now to experience the life you want. Here are 20 things that you can try today.
Sampling Sweet Wine In Portugal’s Second City
Portugal’s second largest city is known all over the world as the birthplace of a rather sweet dessert wine. In fact, Porto gave its name not only to the port wine, but to the country of Portugal itself.
Should I Get a HELOC?
Many homeowners will reach a point when they reevaluate the terms of their home loan. With the current low-interest rates, it is a good time to look at ways to improve your financial standing.
How to Make Money in the Education Field
While public education teachers might not be wealthy, there are ways to make money as an educator.
How Do I Start Dating Again After a Divorce?
Dating after divorce is a frightening thought for many divorcees. Even when times were tough throughout your marriage, there was comfort in knowing that you had someone beside you. Now suddenly, that someone is gone, and for many, it’s difficult to imagine anyone else filling their place.
A Guide to Raising Wild Squirrels
Though it is not recommended for the non-professional, here is a guide to raising wild squirrels if you happen to find yourself caring for an orphan.
Woohoo It’s Trash Day or Finding Flea Market Products in the Most Unlikely Places
Becoming a flea market vendor can be a very profitable business if you have the time and patience and are willing to get a little dirty by spending hours searching for products to sell.
Take Paid Surveys Online For A Great Way To Earn Money Online
Being able to take paid surveys online is a tremendous opportunity. Free surveys get paid when participants are honest. This type of work ethic avoids many of the disqualifications that happen when you attempt to take a survey that is presented to you inside your online market research account or email inbox.
The History of Scouting
Scouting, in various forms, has been around since the early twentieth century and originated in England. Lieutenant General Baden-Powell held a scouting camp in 1907 at Brownsea Island.
Getting Out Of Debt With Instant Paid Surveys
I know it sounds unusual. Why not just try and get out of debt by hiring a debt relief company or saving money with a 9-5 job. Most low-income people who are in debt make wages around minimum wage. This is not nearly enough capital to get out of debt of just a few thousand dollars. Instant paid surveys allow people to earn money fast. Easily earn hundreds per week just taking paid surveys.
A Rich Rocky Road Ice Cream Recipe
Rocky road ice cream will forever be the flavor that throws a party in the mouth. The combination of smooth chocolate, crunchy nuts, and gooey marshmallows is hard to resist. The only thing that can honestly make rocky road ice cream any better is by making it at home.
How to Organize a Junk Drawer and Keep it Organized
It’s time to make your junk drawer a thing of beauty. I promise that it won’t be that bad, and you’ll never feel distressed about opening it again. Let’s learn how to organize a junk drawer today.
My Husband Never Defends Me or Takes Up For Me. Why?
When a husband doesn’t take his wife’s side, it can cause a great deal of friction in the marriage. While your husband may not defend you in every disagreement you have with others, it’s essential for a wife to recognize that loyalty and support are the cornerstones of any marriage.
What are the Six Stages of a Midlife Crisis?
The stages of a midlife crisis are similar to what one would experience while going through the stages of grief. This is because someone going through a midlife crisis is becoming more aware of their mortality. Here are the six stages of a midlife crisis and some behaviors that may be associated with each.
Just What is a Parked Domain? What Does Parked Mean?
In this article, we will provide the background necessary to understand parked domains, explain how they work, and discuss what they mean to you as a site owner.
Tips on How to Get a Sagittarius Man Back
You might have noticed that your Sagittarius man is both ambitious and fickle. These qualities could cause him to leave your side. If he takes off, harness the power of the stars and get him back in your life. Let’s learn how to get a Sagittarius man back.