A compliment is the perfect opportunity to politely let someone know you appreciate their kind words. But, it can be tempting to brush them off with a “thank you.”
Don’t. A simple thank-you isn’t enough – your response should be more personal and thoughtful than that.
Here are some examples of how to respond when someone compliments you:
Thank You for noticing! I’m very happy with my hair today” or “I love this dress too!” The key is to tailor your response so it’s meaningful and relevant to the person complimenting you. These responses will make both parties feel good about themselves!
Below are some responses you can give when you receive a compliment in specific situations:
If the Attention is Not Wanted
If you don’t want someone’s attention (at work, for example), a quasi-compliment is just as effective at getting them to back off.
Don’t return their compliment with one of your own.
Here are some examples:
- “I’m flattered you noticed, but my boyfriend wouldn’t be too happy if he knew.”
- “You’re right, my work does look nice.”
- “That’s very kind of you to say.”
- It’s nice to know you think so.”
Unwanted Attention and You Want to Respond Politely
Asking questions can be a great way to get someone talking and back off from a conversation.
Here are some examples:
- “That was very nice of you! What did you think about John’s presentation?”
- “That’s interesting! Tell me more about why you feel that way.”
- “What made you say that?”
- “That’s very kind of you to say. Did you hear about…?”
If You Want to Compliment Them Back
Tying your response back into the compliment they gave you can be a great way to get people talking.
Here are some examples:
- “You look nice today too!”
- “I like your hair that way.”
- “Thank you! I’m trying to grow my hair out so it’s nice that you noticed.”
- “Thanks, I put a lot of effort into it. I’m glad you noticed.”
- “You have nice eyes too!”
- “It’s great that you’re wearing your pearl earrings today. They look really great with your outfit!”
Responses for Flirty Compliments
If someone is hitting on you, a simple response will let them know that you’re not interested and won’t go any further.
Be sure that your tone of voice reflects this so they don’t misunderstand. Here are some examples:
- “Thanks, but I’m dating someone.”
- (While walking away) “I have to get back to work, it was great talking to you!”
- “You’re very sweet, but I’m actually in a relationship.”
If You Want to Respond in a Flirty Manner
If someone’s flirting with you and you’re interested, a simple response will let them know that you like what they’re saying. Here are some examples:
- “Thank you!” and (go in for a hug)
- “Thanks, I like that too.” and wink or smile.
- “Thanks, it’s nice to hear, especially from a handsome guy like you.”
- “You have nice eyes! I don’t usually notice things like that, but I really like them.”
- “Your eyes are amazing!” or “I bet you hear this a lot, but I think your eyes are really beautiful.”
- “I love your eyes. They are such an amazing shade of blue.”
If You Are Shy and Like the Attention
If you’re shy, you can still respond to compliments. Just remember that your tone of voice and body language should be used to convey confidence.
Here are some examples:
- “Thank you! I’ve been trying to eat really healthy lately.”
- “Thanks. So have you!” or “I guess we’re both working on the same things!”
- “I do try.” or “Thank you, I’m glad you noticed that!”
- “Thanks! I’ve been working on it for awhile now.” or “It’s nice to know that somebody notices.”
If you’re shy and don’t want the attention at all
You can use your body language and tone of voice to help turn the conversation in another direction. Here are some ideas:
- “Thanks! I keep telling myself that too!”
- “I know, right? Could be worse.”
- “I don’t usually listen to that type of music. I prefer…”
- “Thanks, but I think Maria is way more exciting.”
- “That’s great that you’ve accomplished so much!”
- “Thanks, but I’m going to get back to work now.”
- “Thanks, but you obviously haven’t seen Sydney today.”
- “Good for you for working out and eating healthy.”
- “I like your new hairstyle, you look great!”
Witty Responses to a Compliment
If you’re witty, use your humor to make a smart response. Here are some examples:
- “Wow, I haven’t had a compliment like that in a long time!”
- “Thank you. I’m glad to be appreciated for my hard work!”
- “Can you write that down for my mother?”
- “You need to come by more often.”
- “Thanks, but it’s just one of many.”
- “Well, you’re not so bad either!”
- “I’m glad you noticed that. I try to be natural and unique like everyone else.”
- “Wow, I didn’t know that!” or “For real?”
- “Thanks, but you’re the one who looks really great today.”
Responses for Compliments Received in a Text
If you get a compliment from someone over text, it can be hard to know how to respond. Sometimes a simple “thank you” is all that’s needed, but other times people want to elaborate on the sentiment.
It might be appropriate to show gratitude with more than one sentence because sometimes we really do appreciate them!
Here are some things you can text back:
- “That’s great to hear. I appreciate you thinking about me.”
- “Thanks! I try! It’s good to hear from you.”
- “Wow, thanks for noticing. What’s been going on with you lately?”
- “That’s great to hear. How are you doing?”
A good method is to respond with something positive and repeat the compliment back to them.
A smiley face or blushing emoji can be added for effect.
Responses for Compliments Received on Social Media Sites
If you get a compliment on social media, it can be hard to know how to respond in the correct tone. Usually people on social media are much more blunt and to the point compared to people you might see in real life. Also, don’t take their compliments too seriously.
A good response on social media is to ask a question about them in return.
Include the person who gave you the compliment in your reply or comment. Here are some suggestions:
- “Thanks! You’re the sweetest thing on the Internet today.”
- “Thanks! It took a lot of work to get it this way.”
- “Wow, thank you!”
- “Thanks! You look great too!”
- “Wow, I’m so glad you think that.”
For Compliments Received on a Dating App
If someone you’ve never met before messages you on a dating app, it can be hard to know how to respond. A simple “thank you” doesn’t let them know that you’re interested in talking with them.
This is why it’s important to try and get some information about the person before you eventually meet up in person.
For example, you could say: “I’ve been having fun too! What’s your favorite place to eat out here?”
Use this information to tailor a response for their compliments. You’ll want the conversation to be enjoyable for both parties, so get some more info about what they like and respond appropriately.
Here are some example responses that you can use:
- “That’s so nice of you to say. I’ve heard a lot about you too.” or “It’s great that we have similar interests.”
- “I’ve never tried that before! How did you find it?”
- “Thanks! I know a great place for coffee if you’re interested.”
- “Thanks! I know a really great place to eat here. You should stop by sometime!”
There are many ways to respond to compliments. The three main things you should remember are confidence, good posture, and a genuine smile. People will notice these attributes in you and it will help build your self esteem.
If you’ve been struggling with how to respond when someone compliments you, here’s some help for you! Keep practicing different responses and soon the compliments will come to you naturally!