Attraction is an unfathomable feeling of desiring someone sexually and romantically. Body language helps to know if someone is attracted to you. It is a subconscious action that shows your emotions for someone.
If you are unsure if the man in your life is attracted to you, observe his body language when you are with him. This should give you some clearer indication if he does find you desirable.
In the following article, I will talk about powerful signs of male attraction that you should look for to know if your man is attracted to you.
Top 15 Signs of Male Attraction
- Dilating pupils
- Clammy hands
- Mirroring your behavior
- Flushed skin and blushing
- His voice deepens
- Fidgeting
- He finds excuses to make physical contact
- Takes care of his physical appearance
- Increases his friendliness
- He shows his softer side
- Tries to keep the conversation going
- He talks about personal stories
- He compliments you
- Asks about your opinions and personal life
- Stumbles over his words
Top 5 Physical Signs of Male Attraction
Your body reacts when you are around different people. When you are around someone to whom you’re attracted, you are likely to blush, sweat, and have an increased pulse rate.
These are the physical signs you should look out for to know if a man is attracted to you.
The physical signs include:
1. Dilating Pupils
This is a indicator that most of us are probably already aware. Pupils can widen for a variety of reasons but physical arousal is definitely up there at the top. It’s the result of hormonal changes in your body.
If a man is attracted to you, his pupils will dilate naturally no matter how hard he tries to control them. It is the first sign you will spot in him if he is aroused by you. Pupils start dilating before he starts getting sweaty or nervous.
2. Clammy Hands
When you are with a man who is attracted to you, his hands tend to get sweaty when he is physically close to you. His body temperature rises because of the excitement of being with you making his palms sweaty.
However, those sweaty palms could also be a sign of nervousness. This could also indicate that he is attracted to you and fears messing up things. Definitely try to come up with a subtle way of shaking his hand or placing something in his hand to determine if his palms are sweaty when you are with him.
3.Mirroring Your Behavior
You will know if your man is interested in you if he mirrors your behavior when he is engaging in conversation with you. He shows interest, follows your lead and actively participates in the conversation. He makes comments and nods his head to agree with you. He most like will smile back at you when you smile.
Mirroring your behavior is a good sign that he is interested in you because he wants to relate with you. It is also an indication that he feels comfortable around you and wants to connect with you.
4. Flushed Skin or Blushing
Flushed skin and blushing is an involuntary emotional response that you can monitor to know if your man is interested in you. When he is around you, his face will flush because of that rush of adrenaline. That increased blood flow so close to the surface of the skin is what causes those cute red cheeks of his.
Blushing is a great sign to look for to determine if he likes you because it is an honest, involuntary response.
5. His Voice Deepens
Sometimes our voices change depending on the environment or when we’re around certain people. And when men are attracted to someone they will deepen their voice. Scientists think it is instinctual. It conveys to the woman that he is masculine and can take care of her. At the same time, he may speak in a modulated tone so as to appear non-threatening.
Hey – no woman needs a man to take care of her in today’s world but it’s still a way to help identify if he truly finds you attractive.
Top 5 body language signs of male attraction

If someone likes you, there are certain body language signs that you are likely to see. Body language is a subconscious action that shows your true emotions towards someone or something.
Here is a list of body language you can look out for to know if a man likes you.
They include:
1. Fidgeting
If you want to know if he is really into you, look for signs of fidgeting. Fidgeting is associated with being nervous and the heart beating fast. If he is attracted to you, he might be nervous and keep doing awkward things such as snapping a rubber band or playing with his wristwatch when you are together.
Fidgeting is the best indicator of attraction because it shows he is extremely interested in you. Fidgeting is easy to notice; you only need to observe him. If he fidgets every time you are with him, know he likes you so much.
2. Finds excuses to make physical contact
When you are attracted to someone, it becomes hard to resist the urge of wanting to have physical contact with that person. If he is attracted to you, he will find all excuses in the world to have more physical touch with you.
It is a good indication that he likes you and wants to connect with you. Physical touch makes you feel happy and special. It also allows you to trust him and connect more with him on the physical aspect.
3. Takes care of his appearance
People will start to change their appearance if they hang around someone they like. If a man is attracted to you, you will notice that his mode of dressing is different whenever he is around you. He is more smartly dressed.
The whole idea of him being careful with how he is dressed whenever he is with you could be that he is attracted to you. You should be on the lookout and observe his mode of dressing. Some men even start wearing cologne to smell nice for you.
If he begins doing all these things when around you, he likes you and wants to connect more with you.
4. He increases his friendliness
In the past, he might have treated you with a cold heart or spoken to you rudely. But with time, all the rudeness has stopped and he has become friendly with you for no absolute reason. It is a sign that he is starting to like you.
The only way he can connect with you is by being friendly. Being friendly will allow both of you to know each other. Friendliness will create a good atmosphere for attraction and deeper intimacy.
5. He shows his softer side
Human beings have a softer side that they do not like exposing. The only people who experience this softer side are those close to him. Exposing the softer side makes the public perceive you as a weak man.
If a man starts showing you his softer side that normally is seen by his family and close friends, know that he is attracted to you. It is a sign that he trusts you and wants you to connect with him deeper.
It also shows that he is opening himself up and letting you in since you have no intention of harming him. It is a good sign you should look for when you think a man is attracted to you. Though it takes time to show it, he will eventually show you his softer side.
Top 5 communication signs of male attraction
When someone likes you, there is a way they communicate and want you to be part of the conversation. They ensure that you are engaged in the conversation and you get to air out your views on certain matters.
Below is a list of top communication signs you should look out for to know if a man is interested in you.
They include:
1. Tries to keep the conversation going
One way you can know if he likes you is that he keeps the conversation going and tries as much as possible to engage you in the conversation. It means that he enjoys conversing with you and that he intends to make all conversations you will have fun and enjoyable.
What will make you notice more clearly that he likes you. is how long these conversations last. In the past, it might be the only thing he used to say to you simply a “hi,” but now that he likes you, he wants to have long conversations with you.
In addition, he will keep looking for your company for no apparent reason. When it reaches this point, know that it is a clear sign he likes you, and slowly by slowly, the bond will grow.
2. Talks about personal stories
It normally happens when the two of you have been talking for a while, and your conversation has grown to levels where he talks about his personal stories with you. It might be a sign that he likes you and feels safe with you.
Through sharing his personal stories helps him to connect with you. Some of the stories may include his childhood memories, favorite and bad ones, his biggest accomplishments, and his relationship with his family.
If he tells you what he is doing currently or tells you his feelings and thoughts, it means he feels comfortable with you and trusts you.
For someone to be that honest with you, it means he likes you and feels safe sharing their personal stories with you.
3. He compliments you
Compliments are the common signs of knowing if someone likes you. When you like someone, you always want to compliment them, to show how much you value and appreciate them. The more the compliments, the more the attraction.
It is time you started watching out for those compliments. If you notice a gentleman who compliments you well today, you have beautiful hair; you have a beautiful dress or compliments your personality, he is extremely attracted to you.
Compliments give you a connection with someone you like and make them like you even more. In addition, it is not easy to compliment someone you do not like. You will always compliment someone you like.
4. He asks about your opinion and personal life
When someone is into you, he will ask about your opinion on certain life matters. He will also want to know about your personal life, such as your skillset, hobbies, values, and immediate family (your parents and siblings).
The idea of being personal with you is brought by the fact that he likes you and he cannot resist asking such types of questions. Through asking you about your personal life and opinions, he gets a better understanding of who you are and your beliefs.
If you think a man is attracted to you and does not ask you questions about your personal life, kindly walk away. He is only pretending to be attracted to you and does not care about your personal life or your opinions.
5. He stumbles over his words
When you like someone, you will find yourself most of the time stammering or saying words like “um” in the middle of a conversation. Furthermore, it includes pausing while talking to you.
Such behavior is associated with nervousness that comes with talking with someone he likes a lot. Most of the time, it is accompanied by blushing or shying away while talking to you. Men blush and feel shy, especially when talking to someone.
Stumbling over words accompanied by blushing or shying away while talking to you is a good indicator that he likes you.
Final thoughts
In conclusion, all the signs discussed in this article will help you to know if a man is attracted to you or not.
Though men may try to hide these signs, if you observe them keenly, then you will confirm for yourself if he is attracted to you.
Lastly, you may notice some signs on your first interaction with him.
The other signs may need you to interact longer with him for you to see them. You should always be on high alert for these signs of male attraction if you plan to have a relationship.