Food – we cannot live without it. That is a fact. Now consider this. Have you given much thought as to what type of eater you are?
Believe it or not, scientists have put billions of dollars into a study in order to confirm that there are six different types of eaters.
Eating types change frequently, almost as frequently as fashion or fab diets.
However, by understanding why we eat, it helps control what we eat in order to maintain a healthy relationship with food.
There are six different types of eaters: the emotional eater, the habitual eater, the external eater, the critical eater, the sensual eater, and the energy eater.
Let us evaluate and attempt to understand these different types of eaters.
Emotional Eater
The emotional eater is self-explanatory. If someone has experienced a rough day or has been given some bad news, they beeline to the food that is comforting, but generally unhealthy for their body.
For most of us, this is going to include ice cream as the number one choice for emotional eaters.
The reason why ice cream is number one is simple. Ice cream has a chemical reaction in our bodies that elevates our mood. There is no consideration of the long-term effects of eating that ice cream – only immediate gratification.
Habitual Eater
The habitual eater is one who makes an excuse when they indulge.
Quite often a habitual eater will say they are going to do it one time and never again. However, that one time turns into a routine.
The danger of being a habitual eater can often be long term and out-of-control because it can turn into eating even when the habitual eater is not hungry.
The External Eater
Now the external eater is the eater that all the commercials and advertisements are made for.
As soon as a new food is introduced into society and the advertisements start to flow, the external eater must purchase that new food item from the store, even if it is to try it only once.
The external eater is completely at the mercy of product marketers and falls for the advertisement over health needs every time.
The Critical Eater
The critical eater is extra sensitive when it comes to food. While the critical eater is fully aware of the nutritional benefits of eating healthy food, their awareness quite often turns into an obsession.
Their food obsession can be as far off of the rails as eating bad food just because it says it is low-fat or low-carb to the exact opposite of the spectrum and jumping on a quick fix scenario such as juicing to flush their system of the bad food that they just put in their body.
Critical eaters quite often refer to food as good or bad rather than beneficial and nutritious.
Sensual Eater
A sensual eater is comparable to a sensual lover. A sensual eater does not rush through a meal.
They take their time and explore their food in order to appreciate the ingredients one by one.
There are quite often little to no restrictions where a sensual eater is concerned. They are interested in one thing and one thing only – food!
They are interested in trying anything once and are restricted by ingredients.
Energy Eater
Lastly, we have the energy eater. The energy eaters generally come out at the beginning of the year when all the resolutions are being made.
Energy eaters want to strictly focus on eating healthy while on the go.
Mentally, they may think that by eating healthy and on the go it is boosting their metabolism. Energy eaters rely on fast and healthy snacks.
One issue that energy eaters possess is the sole consumption of entirely too many calories for their body requirements. This, in turn, forces them to become hungrier than they need to be.
Regardless of what type of eater you consider yourself to be, choose wisely.
Above all else understand what you are consuming, the benefits, and whether your body truly needs it to continue to be healthy and strong.
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