Claustrophobia is the fear of being in a place that’s small and not being able to get out. Claustrophobic people are uncomfortable with being confined and may feel unsafe when they can’t escape.
There are many cases where claustrophobia has caused people to panic, as well as some cases where it causes physical injury. Claustrophobes have trouble with elevators, tunnels, and even riding on an airplane.
But what about the opposite? Have you ever stopped and wondered what the opposite feeling of claustrophobia might be?
Symptoms of Claustrophobia
Claustrophobes tend to feel trapped, anxious, and fearful in closed spaces. It can cause panic attacks and even trauma for sensitives.
Some common symptoms include shortness of breath and sweating, as well as feelings of impending doom or death.
Is Agoraphobia the Opposite of Claustrophobia?
Agoraphobia is the fear of open, public spaces. It seems like it would be the opposite of claustrophobia, but they are not opposites at all.
Agoraphobes have a fear of situations that are not easily controlled by them – where an escape could be difficult or impossible.
It could also be fear of traveling alone, or in an unfamiliar place. Agoraphobes might avoid circumstances where escape is difficult or embarrassing, such as being in a crowd or standing in line.
This fear is often connected to the fear of social embarrassment.
Claustrophilia is the Opposite of Claustrophobia
Claustrophilia is the love of small spaces. This is not a common phenomenon, as most people fear being in small, enclosed areas.
For some, the desire of a confined space is a way to feel safe and secure, while for others it is a desire for intimacy.
This might seem strange, as most people would usually prefer more space in which to move around freely.
The love of small spaces is difficult to understand, but there are some who have this love so strongly they go out of their way to seek out confined or enclosed areas.
In Conclusion
The fear of tight, enclosed spaces is called claustrophobia. Contrary to popular belief, the opposite of claustrophobia isn’t agoraphobia; it’s actually claustrophilia or a desire to be in small spaces.