When it comes to marketing these days, the traditional tactics of advertising and sales are no longer enough to lure customers to a business. And, since many of the tactics for the internet are low in cost, there is very little reason why a company cannot and should not take advantage of them and hire a writer to create them.
Press Releases and Articles
The news media has proven to be a mainstay in marketing. Advertising in newspapers has gone on for decades, but there were and are other ways for a company to get noticed in a news medium. Press releases save publications, websites and even TV and radio news shows time in putting together an article. As staff numbers dwindle, news agencies are becoming more willing to use press releases to fill time or space in a print publication, and the better an article is written, the more likely it will appear unchanged.
Articles have their purposes outside of the news, as well. For those seeking a more professional look to their websites, having professionally written articles about the company are a must. Such items can add depth to an “About Us” section or keep would-be customers aware of the company’s latest advancements and news.
Corporate Blogging
Blogs also make up a significant portion of articles that businesses generate. Sometimes, these are opinion pieces. Other times, they are ways for a company to provide additional information or tips for would-be customers. The right kind of blog can demonstrate a wealth of knowledge in a given field that makes clients comfortable with a company’s abilities or creates a sense of goodwill by offering tips and do-it-yourself hints so that customers don’t need to contact a company for every little problem that arises.
This might seem like a difficult task for those whose minds are more tuned in to their business and less on the proper style and grammar for a news article. That is why I focus my attention on making the perfect content for other companies.
Spark a Conversation
Forums are also a great way of getting people talking about a business. Though it is considered poor taste to fill someone else’s forum with lots of promotional comments about a business, a company can start a discussion board and fill it with the content that it wants to see there. Not only do businesses get the chance to get their message out, but they can allow customers to make their comments and monitor for harmful or offensive customer responses.
As a content creator, I can manage such comments and provide helpful content for a business on the forum. There is a fine art to filling a discussion with the right kind of material without making it too apparent that a company is using it as a form of self-promotion.
Blogs are also an excellent source of conversation. Businesses often choose to supplement their websites with blogs, but making them successful often requires more than just articles or opinion pieces. The comment section of a blog can not only let a company know what its customers are saying but spark discussion about products or services. With an experienced eye, a content creator like me can guide the tone of these conversations to benefit the company.
Business can be made or broken by the use of writing for promotion, regardless of its specialization. Realistically, not every owner has the skill or the time to create the amount or kind of articles that it needs, but by hiring a good content creator, a company can spark discussion, keep its presence known in the news and offer additional services to customers.