Relationships can be good or bad or even a mix of the two. Some, however, can be dangerous.
Fatal attractions are relationships that lead one person into an obsessive state of mental instability and sometimes even suicide. In the movie Fatal Attraction, Glenn Close plays Alex Forrest as a college student who was dumped by Dan Gallagher, played by Michael Douglas.
Glenn Close’s character was so devastated by the breakup that she pursued him and his family. Despite not initially pursuing her as she had been pursuing him, he eventually gave into the temptation. After they were intimate, however, she became extremely obsessed with him leading to a deadly conclusion.
Fatal attraction signs in a relationship can be apparent, but even the most astute of people sometimes can’t see them until it’s too late. In fact, fatal attractions are so powerful that they have led to some unfortunate events throughout history.
In his 1844 novella The Birthmark , Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote about a man who loved his wife, but destroyed her because of love. The husband was so obsessed with removing a birthmark from his wife that he tried to take it off her with an instrument and ended up killing her.
Fatal Attraction Warning Signs
Here are a few warning signs that indicate that the relationship you’re in may be a fatal attraction:
Mental Instability and Obsession
When you first meet someone, they may seem normal. But over time, they can become obsessive or even mentally unstable. The person may seem more interested in you than you are in them, and they may even stalk you.
While this behavior can be innocent at first, it may become scary and frustrating over time. If a person seems to have an unhealthy amount of interest in you or exhibits other warning signs that make you feel uncomfortable , it is time to move on.
They Have a Short Fuse
Some people become angry or frustrated over a small amount of stress. They may be aggressive towards you and others. They may more easily become angry or even violent, especially when drinking.
Their anger and mood swings can be emotionally destructive to themselves and others. If you are dating someone like this, it is important for them to seek professional help through counseling or therapy in order to control the negative feelings.
They Manipulate
Another warning sign is if someone uses their words to control you, even from the very beginning of the relationship. People like this are often charming because they can be great conversationalists and have a way with words.
Anybody should feel comfortable telling their partner whatever it is that they need to say. If they become upset when you tell them things such as your opinions on specific issues or even your feelings, it is a warning sign that they are trying to control you and the relationship.
They Can’t Handle Their Emotions
Some people are too sensitive to things. When they are upset or frustrated, they cannot handle it very well. They have a hard time dealing with criticism and rejection. At first, the conversations center around what others do or did to them and how bad the world is. This is where the term “fatal attraction” comes in.
They may start blaming your for things that are occurring to them, forcing you to defend yourself against unfair accusations. You feel like you need to walk on eggshells when talking with your partner.
This can be a sign that they have an unhealthy and unpleasant power dynamic in the relationship.
They Become Possessive Of You
A person can be possessive if they have a lot of love to give. But often, the possessiveness that you see is unhealthy and leads to jealousy. This can lead to irrational jealousy about your appearance, career or anything else.
It’s important for you not to hide things from your partner because this will only lead them to believe that every action of yours is akin to deception.
They Don’t Trust You or They Use Distrust To Control You
People who have a difficult time trusting others often turn that into distrusting their partner. All of these are warning signs that the person may not be trustworthy and is trying to control you using distrust tactics.
This person may not need to trust you because they can control you by making you feel guilty about their lack of trust.
The Relationship Seems More Important Than You Are
Your partner may be putting more importance on the relationship than he or she does on your well-being and emotions.
This is also a sign of possessiveness; if your partner doesn’t feel like he or she has complete control then they are not going to be happy.
They Won’t Respect Your Boundaries
A person who is a fatal attraction will try to get what he or she wants at any cost. This obviously includes getting information that may make you uncomfortable by asking lots of questions and picking apart your answers.
They may put pressure on you to go further in the relationship or get married before you are ready.
If someone exhibits these signs, it is important for you to walk away from the relationship as soon as possible. You may not feel like you need to do that at first because you are so invested in the relationship, but it could be harmful to your emotional health and even your safety.
It can be hard to believe that the person you think loves you so much is putting so little emphasis on your well-being and emotions.
But if you feel lonely and isolated because your partner won’t let you get close to anybody else, or it makes you feel worthless and hurt, it’s time for you to put yourself first and find someone better.