Love is a beautiful thing! Throughout our life, we meet many partners and often mistake this connection for “love.”
But then some people just feel special to you. The two of you are probably compatible on another level.
Your bond seems different from all the others you have shared. If you know such a person in your life, they could be your soulmate.
Soulmates share a particular affinity—their souls gravitate towards each other. As a result of this, you might be on their mind 24/7.
Fortunately, there are signs your soulmate is thinking of you that the universe sends your way.
This guide will go over these signs to help you understand where you stand in this person’s life and whether they really are meant for you.
If these concerns keep you up at night, get all the answers for your love life right here!
Top 10 Signs That Your Soulmate is Thinking About You
When you meet your soulmate, you experience a different type of connection. While this feels great, you might be impatiently searching for ‘signs my soulmate is thinking of me.’
You want to know what’s on their mind, what they feel-the queries are endless! Here, we will put all your worries to rest. Here is a compilation of the 10 most potent signs that your soulmate is thinking of you.
1. You Dream About Your Soulmate
Dreams hold immense significance in our life. They are a sign of what is happening or is to occur in our waking life.
Many experts say that dreams bridge the conscious and unconscious. Now it’s up to us to receive these messages and interpret them the right way.
So, if you’ve had soulmate dreams, but don’t know what to make of them, let’s uncover some truths.
Soulmates often share a telepathic connection. While they may not be physically present with you, they might try to converse with you or convey their feelings through dreams.
So if you dreamed about your potential soulmate, this is a powerful sign that your soulmate is thinking about you! This holds especially true if they appear in your dream repeatedly.
Of course, the dream should be pleasant. If you tend to forget dreams later, keep a journal and take note of the account as soon as you wake up.
If you haven’t met that special someone as yet, but have a recurring dream about an unknown person you feel close to, this could be a sign of what (rather, who) is to come! Soulmate dreams often leave you with a warm, tingly feeling, especially after realizing you’re on their minds.
2. You Get a Sense That They Are Thinking About You
Intuition is a powerful thing. It’s almost like a sixth sense that you have. While intuition was dismissed before, experts now say it can play a powerful role in your decision-making.
Your intuition is heightened when it comes to your soulmate, with whom you have a metaphysical connection.
Don’t dismiss it if you get a sense that your soulmate is thinking of you! Your inner voice tells you things they pick up through vibrations and energies the universe sends your way.
Of course, you might not believe it, and people may even tell you it’s all in your head. But this gut feeling is one of the strongest signs your soulmate is thinking of you.
This ‘sense’ might be unexplainable, but the person experiencing it knows it well. You may be sensitive to signals around you that are more acute than spoken words, so never doubt yourself! As a result, you can feel that someone out there is thinking of you.
3. You Feel Their Positive Energy
The entire universe is made up of energies. As humans, we can pick up on both positive and negative vibrations coming from people we are connected to.
The interesting thing is, you don’t need to be near said person to pick up on this energy-you can feel it even from miles away!
Think of your soulmate as your reflection. What they feel will be mirrored in your moods and actions. So if you’re looking for signs your soulmate is thinking of you, you should pay close attention to these energies.
If you feel their positive energy, you’re on your soulmate’s mind!
When your soulmate thinks about you, they direct their energy towards you. If they are thinking good things, this energy will be positive. You might suddenly start feeling energetic, happy, and motivated.
This should be a clear sign that your soulmate is thinking of you.
4. Your Eye Twitches
Many theories explain why our eyes twitch based on our cultural beliefs and knowledge. Most people don’t believe in them, but we’ll tell you why these random eye jerks could hold immense importance in your love life.
Soulmates have a special bond. Due to this, the universe often sends you signals that your soulmate may be thinking or talking about you.
Eye spasms could mean many things- maybe you’re sleepy, stressed, or perhaps suffered an insect bite.
But sometimes, a particular way your eye twitches creates a strong feeling that this cannot be cited for any of the reasons mentioned above. It’s different and often accompanied by a strong sense of comfort too. For men, right eye twitches indicate positivity, while right eye twitches convey positive thoughts in women.
Suppose you notice that your left eye starts to twitch randomly. In that case, you should seriously consider the possibility that your soulmate is thinking of you.
Remember, our bodies can pick up signs and vibrations around us, especially those from someone connected to us via the soul.
5. You Feel a Metaphysical Touch
Soulmates aren’t any two random people – they share a special connection that transcends words. Your soulmate doesn’t need to write to you, message you, and come to see you let you know they are missing you.
There are many signs that your soulmate is thinking of you, and a random, metaphysical touch is one of them.
The universe is full of surprises! For example, psychic energies can reach you from miles away whenever someone close to your heart is thinking of you. While this may sound like a far-fetched thought, it is true, and you can find solace in this belief.
Do you ever feel like someone touched you? But you turn around to find no one there? While this may be spooky, we have another comforting explanation for lovers.
When someone with strong feelings thinks of you, they can transmit their feelings for you through vibrations. These feelings often manifest as a metaphysical touch or contact. This telepathic contact is a way for you to know that you are in your soulmate’s thoughts.
6. You Get Goosebumps Out of Nowhere
Goosebumps occur when tiny muscles at the base of your hair follicles contract, causing the hair to stand up. This often happens when you’re feeling cold or experiencing a scare or shock.
But, interestingly, there is another explanation why you would get goosebumps all of a sudden, out of nowhere!
Goosebumps are also a result of feeling emotionally touched. When someone is thinking of you, they tend to pass on these feelings in the form of energy towards you. As a result, you receive this sudden bout of energy, and the temperature tends to drop. This is what may cause goosebumps randomly. It is one of the signs your soulmate is thinking of you.
One way to discern if these goosebumps are due to positive thoughts from your soulmate is when they happen randomly.
For example, you could be having a normal day but suddenly feel this sensation that sends a shiver down your spine, but in a good way. Well, don’t be alarmed now that you know why this happens!
7. You Can’t Resist Smiling
As humans, it’s only normal that we will experience several mood changes throughout the day. These mood changes don’t have to be drastic. But you can’t be in a jolly, good mood all the time, right? Sometimes, without any event or reason, we suddenly start feeling this surge of happiness.
This unexplained feeling of contentment comes out in many ways, and this shows right on your face, no matter where you may be! If you experience this burst of happiness, you cannot resist smiling!
You might be thinking that you smile several times during the day, but this smile is different because you cannot control it. It’s kind of like the time when you first fall in love!
But what causes this? When your soulmate is thinking of you, they will send happy thoughts your way. It’s just how your souls are connected.
Due to this transmission of feelings and energies, you start experiencing joy. You feel happy for no good reason and might find yourself smiling like a goof throughout the day!
8. You Have the Urge To Improve Yourself
Soulmates share a deep connection. When two souls are meant to unite, the universe will align for them to meet each other. Meanwhile, your soul is preparing to meet and receive your soulmate.
For this, you need to improve on certain parts of your personality because we are fraught with mistakes as humans. You need to be the best version of yourself for you to connect with your soulmate.
When your life has been stagnant or static, yet you feel this sudden urge to improve yourself, this is one of the signs that your soulmate is thinking of you.
Your love and pull towards each other are so strong that you experience this unseen motivation to eliminate all your negative characteristics that might jeopardize your bond with your soulmate.
While you might be forced to think these feelings of self-improvement are coincidental, they really aren’t. When it comes to your soulmate, nothing is random.
Everything happens for a reason, including these unexpected feelings to be the best version of yourself.
9. Sneezing
Asian tradition believes that when your nose starts to twitch and you sneeze, it can be construed as a sign that someone is thinking of you. So, unless you have a cold or flu, the most apparent cause of sneezing, you can be content and tell yourself that this is one of the signs my soulmate is thinking of me!
Soulmates unknowingly communicate with each other in several ways. Sneezing is a psychic sign that conveys the feelings of soulmates to each other without the need for words or physical proximity.
Suppose you sneeze three times in a row without any reasonable cause. In that case, you can believe that your soulmate is positively thinking about you. Like other physical manifestations like touch and eye twitches, sneezing is also a strong sign that your soulmate is missing you.
People with allergies might be confused about what to make of this sign. Still, when this is a signal from your soulmate, this sneezing won’t be accompanied by discomfort or irritation.
10. You Find a White Feather
White feathers are symbols of peace and protection. People often report spotting white feathers nearby whenever they feel stressed or upset. It’s a comforting indication that some entity or power is watching over you. But did you know? Finding a white feather is also one of the signs your soulmate is thinking about you.
Soulmates share a very strong bond. When they think of each other, the universe itself acts as a medium to convey their thoughts and feelings. Likewise, when your soulmate is missing you or thinking of you, the universe will send a signal your way, and many times, it’s in the form of a white feather.
If you randomly spot a white feather near you, you should feel very happy. This means that your soulmate’s feelings are so strong that you can see and feel their love for you in the form of this white feather.
How Do You Know If You Have Found Your Soulmate?
As humans, we need companionship and love. We go through life wondering if we have found our soulmate. At times, our judgment gets clouded, and we can’t tell what the best is for us.
Before we get down to that, let’s clear a common misconception many people harbor. There is no rule that you will have just one soulmate. As we change and evolve as humans, we may have more than one soulmate at different stages of life.
But how do you know that person is your soulmate?
What is A Soulmate?
A soulmate is someone you feel a deep connection with without any dependency or material need. Your souls feel connected to each other, and you feel a certain balance and calm when you are together.
No one is the giver and taker, like in most relationships, and you both equally add value to each other’s lives.
Simply put, a soulmate’s love for you is truly unconditional. They understand you as no one else does, and their love feels like it completes you.
Furthermore, since soulmates are meant to be together, they will be there for you no matter what and where they are.
Have I Found My Soulmate?
Soulmate love may not be love at first sight. In fact, it rarely is, as it’s a bond that transcends physical attraction. However, as and when you spend time with each other, you will realize that there is no one like them, at least for you.
They feel different than the rest, not in how they look, dress or talk, but just by who and what they are. When you find your soulmate, you’ll be able to feel it, and that is unmistakable.
What To Do When You Find Your Soulmate?
When you find your soulmate, you’ll just know what to do. You won’t need any self-help books or guides to tell you that. However, you need to keep in mind that no one, not even your soulmate is perfect. They complete you by balancing out your strengths and weaknesses, and you do the same for them.
When you find your soulmate, your person, you will accept their qualities and flaws without the desire to change them or curb their individuality. Instead, you will be willing to grow and evolve side by side. When you find someone who you’re willing to do that with, you know you have found the one, your soulmate.
Soulmates share a connection that transcends physical or fickle attraction. When you find your soulmate, you will be willing to accept them who they are. You will want to grow with them by your side as their love and companionship feel different and better than anything else you have ever experienced.
When you have found your soulmate or are hoping to find them, you want to know what they are thinking. The good news is there are many signs to indicate your soulmate is thinking of you, like physical touch, a special feeling, or an urge to improve yourself. So if you experience any of these signs, you should know what this means – your soulmate is thinking of you!
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