There is no better time than right now to experience the life you want. Here are 20 things that you can try today. Have fun!
1. Learn a Musical Instrument
Learning how to play a musical instrument is a goal that many people have but never achieve. Learning to play a musical instrument takes time, practice, and patience. The results, however, are well worth it. Playing a musical instrument has emotional, psychological, and physical benefits.
2. Learn a Foreign Language
It is easy to take language for granted. We usually don’t think about how we learned to speak our native language, The thing to keep in mind is that language helps to shape and orient the way we see and think about the world.
3. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
It is natural to want to stay in one’s comfort zone, A comfort zone can mean a lot of things, the social circles we move in, our sense of fashion, our work skills, outdoor skills, problem-solving skills and so on. The truth is that trying something new is threatening and risky because we don’t know how things will turn out
4. Do the Opposite of What You Would Do
Fans of the Seinfeld TV series may remember an episode that focused Jerry’s neurotic friend George. George always second-guesses his decisions and worries about how people perceive him. In one episode he decides to say and do the opposite of what he would normally do. The result, he gets the girl and lives stress-free, at least for a little while. It is an interesting experiment
5. Try a New Food
It is easy to get caught in a rut when it comes to a friend. Shopping at the grocery store or going out to eat can easily become dull and boring. Consider ordering something new or the menu, or better yet, search out a different restaurant altogether. Finding something new that pleases your pallet is a great experience.
6. Try a Different Outdoor Activity
In the world of Smart Phones, iPads and online streaming people are becoming more and more alienated from the natural environment. This is especially the case for kids. It is easy to become bored with the same outdoor activity whatever it may be, Try something new. You may find an activity that floats your boat
7. Listen to a Different Style of Music
The world of music is wide and diverse. You would never know that by listening to pop radio. People’s taste in music is often formed when they are young, and their listening tastes often remain confined to the same musical box. The next time you are on Spotify, create a couple of music channels you have never listened to before such as African music, Classical Music, and so on.
8. Read Something New
The next time you at the bookstore look for something that you would not normally read. For example, if your reading habits include very little poetry, pick up a poetry collection or anthology. If science is not a particular interest, reading a biography of Einstein will help you understand the passion for science and exploration.
9. Turn Off and Unplug
Digital technology is omnipresent in the contemporary world. It is not only the case that people won’t step away from the computer or Smart Phone, many people really CAN’T step away. Psychologists are claiming that digital technology, for many people, displays the traditional traits of addiction,
10. Try A New Vacation Spot
Planning a vacation can easily become routine. It is not unusual for a family to pack their bags and head to the same destination that they have been going to year after year. While there is nothing wrong with family traditions, doing something new can be a thrilling experience for a family.
11. Change Your Viewing Habits
We all have our favorite TV shows, Movie Genres, and so forth. Break out of the box and try something new. Learning to appreciate foreign films, subtitles and all opens up a whole new world of movie possibilities.
12. Grow a Beard or Shave
Facial hair is a very personal thing. Men with beards often become so identified with their beard they are afraid to shave it off. Men who have never sported a beard, on the other hand, often have trouble putting the razor down and letting it grow.
13. Keep a Diary
Keeping a diary is great for a number of reasons. It helps you to think through and articulate your thoughts and experiences on a daily basis. It also provides an opportunity to re-experience the meaningful events of your life.
14. Writer and Send A Letter
The art of letter writing is a lost art. It is probably true that most millennials have never written and mailed an actual letter. Writing a letter on paper, and the intended party receiving and reading it is a considerably different experience than reading a text message.
15. Volunteer Your Time
Doing something for free in our culture doesn’t make sense to a lot of people in our culture. The truth is that we should allow our value to be designated by monetary value. Helping out people who are suffering or less fortunate than ourselves has all sorts of emotional and personal benefits.
16. Make an Effort to Be Compassionate
Compassion comes easier to some people than it does to others. Compassion is a great virtue, if not the most important virtue. It is easy to become jaded and suspicious, but the next time someone asks for a handout, consider helping them out.
17. Change Your Schedule
A routine schedule is an efficient and effective way to get things done. A routine schedule can also be stifling at times. Don’t be afraid to try something new. Don’t be afraid to change things around. It will help to keep things fresh and interesting.
18. Argue the Other Side
Debaters know the value of adopting a position and making the best argument for it. Learning how to argue for or against a position helps to see things from a broader perspective. Consider how to argue “for” a position that you actually are against.
19. Learn About A Different Religion
Religion is an essential element of self-identity for many people. It is also something that can cause lots of division and misunderstanding. Making an effort to understand other religions can help promote tolerance and also help with one’s own spiritual growth. An excellent book to read is Karen Armstrong’s “The History of God.”
20. Take A Break
Contemporary life is full of hustle and bustle. We always feel that we have to do something or we will be bored. Learn how to take a break and do nothing. Stillness, quiet, and the ability to be at peace with one’s self is a great attribute.