Blogs are one of the easiest ways to create a website online today. But just because it is easy to get online doesn’t mean it is that simple to gain a following and readers.
If you have a blog that isn’t getting the best traffic, here are a few ways that you can get your visitor count and readership higher.
Here are a few of my suggestions.
Write Frequently
Updating your blog frequently is one of the best ways to get traffic to your blog. Content is the number one way to get readers to your blog so keeping it updated will give readers fresh content.
The search engines love a blog that is frequently updated. A rule of thumb is to add content to your blog every week or even more frequently if possible.
Add Your Blog To Search Engines Other Than Google
Google is the number one search engine used on the Internet, but there are others. Many bloggers only submit their blog to Google, but submitting it to Yahoo, Bing, and AOL is a great way to get more traffic.
Also, blog directories and other website directories will also help get you a more broad readership.
Enable Comments
A lot of bloggers think that by enabling comments they will get a lot of spam. Most blogging platforms such as WordPress and Blogger have plugins or tools that will help combat comment spam.
Comments allow people to leave feedback on your content. Nobody wants to read a blog that doesn’t have any comments.
When somebody comments on your blog, they will come back to see if anybody has responded to their comments.
Pick the Right Keywords
Keywords are terms that you use within the content of your blog that match what a user could be searching for. If you are deliberate about what words you use in your posts you can target readers with those keywords.
One of the best ways to find worthwhile keywords is to use the Google Keyword Tool. This tool allows you to find less competitive keywords to use in your copy.
For someone starting out this could mean that you don’t compete head to head with site focusing on larger search volume keywords. As you get the hang of it, start expanding your content into keywords that have higher volumes and commercial intent.
Social Bookmarking
Social Bookmarking can easily get your traffic up. Sites like Digg and Reddit have a lot of traffic and can promote your blog. You need to sign up for an account with social bookmarking sites, but they are free.
Submit your best posts to social bookmarking sites and hopefully you’ll wind up on the front page.
RSS allows your readers to subscribe to your blog. This gives readers alerts when you update your blog with new posts.
RSS feeds helps you build a readership and get more traffic to your blog.
Final Thoughts
Blogs are one of the best free features of the Internet. If you would like to make money online or promote yourself, you need traffic.
Using social bookmarking sites, RSS feeds and adding tags helps reach a whole new audience. Keeping your content fresh is a great way to establish authority online. Enabling comments will help you start an online forum for your posts. Follow these guidelines and you will start to see the traffic roll in.